Gift ideas

For a wonderful time in the mountains

Flumserberg vouchers in any euro amount

Year after year – you are wondering what to gift your loved ones? How about a voucher for various activities on Flumserberg? You select the euro amount, and we issue the voucher. The recipient can then choose from a variety of options of where to use it: 

Please keep in mind: Vouchers can only be issued upon advance payment or if ordered by credit card. 


The Flumserberg voucher can also be sent directly to the gift recipient for you. Would you like to send a few personal words? Then send your greetings by e-mail so that they can be printed for you.


Bank payment

Payment to our bank account at LLB (Schweiz) AG, Flums:
IBAN no. CH26 0873 1001 2454 3201 8

As soon as the payment reaches our account we will issue the voucher. If urgent, please mail the payment document to us.

When making your payment, please quote: "credit voucher". This will enable us to assign the payment more quickly and accurately. Many thanks. 
Credit cards
You can also pay for the voucher by credit card. It is best to do this by phone or email.


The gourmet voucher for Flumserberg

Give your loved ones the gift of an enjoyable time – with a gourmet voucher for Flumserberg. It can be redeemed at a wide variety of hotels and restaurants. The icing on the cake for a day in the Swiss mountains!

Order a gourmet voucher

Further gift ideas